Bernard Depoorter | Manager - Landscape Artist
Firmly grounded but always dreaming… of new solutions!

Never reasonable but always well-advised, Bernard is not afraid of anything. He takes up challenges without wasting time and wins bets without showing off. He remains composed at all times and is always juggling several ideas at the same time.
Bernard is instinctive and passionate, but also knows how to choose the right risks at the right time. Originally from Belgium, Bernard opened his own firm in Lyon called GREEN CONCEPT just after graduating from the Gembloux school with a degree in garden and landscape architecture. After creating increasingly virtuous golf courses and gardens throughout the world (Lithuania, Egypt, Luxemburg, Turkey, Poland, Morocco…), he presented a daring project in 1998: a 5,000m² natural swimming pool in Combloux, in the department of Haute-Savoie. It was an unprecedented idea: a 100% natural, 100% ecological body of water, open to the public. To this day it remains a benchmark in terms of water quality.
In 2009, after ten years of experience in creating alternative pools and having written a book on the topic, Bernard returned to his original profession, that of landscape artist. He took over the Atelier des Jardins, a prominent landscaping agency in Lyon, and brought his wealth of experience. This was the beginning of BDP CONCEPT.
Bernard is a man of many travels, on an eternal quest to explore and learn from other cultures, but it is Morocco that floods his heart with joy and inspiration. His great love of this country led him to open a second agency in Marrakesh in order to develop landscaping projects ranging from private gardens to major public walkways. Bernard loves Moroccan culture and never ceases to be inspired by and pay tribute to the landscaping tradition of this country, with its abundance of sunshine and unique species.